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Last Updated: Sunday, 31 December 2017 08:36
Unfortunately in today’s world routine runs the majority of peoples lives and if you are following a routine day in and day out things will rarely change. You might find yourself thinking and feeling what you thought the day before. Preparing for the same tasks day in day out. The danger of this is waking up one day far away from the kind of life you once dreamed for yourself.
Have you ever day dreamed of what it is like to feel free in the ocean, imagined yourself relaxing on a beach after another adventurous day? How many people can say that as they started their work morning, that they have seen the sun sparkle off the ocean, felt the cool ocean breeze running over their skin. Looking down at crystal clear waters, just like Alice through the looking glass only this time it’s real it’s you and it’s just the beginning of your days adventure…..
Diving opens up these exciting new opportunities for many people. Every day you dive is a new adventure when you enter a new environment or dive site you know that you will experience something that few other people have You will discover something new that day about the amazing creatures and habitats or maybe a personal journey and your dive skills grow as you do. As Underwater Videographers this experience leads to excitement every day over a new critter, plant or behaviour we have never seen and have managed to catch perfectly through the lens.
Whether you choose to dive recreationally for fun on vacations or holidays or take it to the next level with professional, video, photography or even technical training, diving opens up new worlds and experiences that you would perhaps never consider
It just takes that one choice…… We’ve made it are you ready?
To find a local dive centre visit www.padi.com